Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Labor Day

Well here it is, Ruby's birth story:

On Wednesday March 18th I was having really small labor pains all day. By the early evening I was sure that this was the real thing and we should start to time the contractions. At 8pm they were about 12 minutes apart so we figured we would put Keller to bed because it could still be hours before we go to the hospital. Our plan was to drop Keller off at our friend Rebecca's house and head straight to the hospital when the contractions got to be 5 minutes aprt for an hour. Well, at about 3am my contractions were only about 10 minutes apart but really quite painful. We decided to call the hospital and they said to wait until they were 5 min apart. Highly annoyed and in lots of pain, we waited until I had one major contraction and my water broke!

As I made my way to the bathroom, I was feeling so much pain and contractions on top of each other, 2 minutes apart. I was also feeling this overwhelming urge to push. I thought to myself "I can not have this baby in my bathroom." I told Daryl to call 911 because I knew I didn't have long it felt like she was coming out now matter if I pushed or not. Our friend Rebecca headed for our house to stay with Keller and arrived shortly after the ambulance.

The Ambulance ride was prretty intense. The paramedics were telling me not to push and I was telling them I wasn't. We arrived at the hospital and they immediately got me into a room and as soon as the Doctor arrived I pushed twice and met my little girl Ruby.

Daryl arrived 5 minutes later and he was so bummed to miss the birth but it turned into pure joy when he got to see Ruby!

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